Sunday, November 22, 2009

my fairy name!

seriously almost scary how well this fits me! :D

Your fairy is called Gossamer Willowtree
She is a caster of weird dreams.
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.
She is only seen when the first leaves fall from the trees.
She wears tiny black spiders on her dresses. She has delicate green coloured wings like a cicada.

i want tiny green cicada wings now! D:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

:D omg so pretty!

i just found the most beautiful vintage sweater pattern from 1916 online...for free! :D but while the site it comes from has many of its free patterns posted on rav...this one isnt....sad days!

still, this pattern is beautiful. i shall make it someday...and omit the stupid crocheting <_<...>_>.....

i cant be the only person who has omitted the crocheting from the pattern. i know there had to be a woman in 1916 that was like "crochet?! forget this, i'm doing it in knitting. stupid crochet."....maybe not exactly like that but you get my drift. :)

going to make it....i willll...i waaaannnttt iiiitttt.

Friday, November 13, 2009

ew gross boys are gross!

she brings her stupid boyfriend over here and not only do they make out LOUDLY in the kitchen (i can hear them in my room with the door closed. omfg you've gotta really be disgusting to kiss THAT loudly...ugh *shudder* so disgusting) but he uses the last of the roll of TP and doesn't even replace it. boys are so gross.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

sexy! D:

dammit! so today we had a test in astronomy right? i think i did ok on it...seriously that WAS hard he was right. but i'm pretty positive i passed so thats good :)

unfortunately there was an added distraction.....OMFG SEXY GRAD STUDENT! D:

LOL he's probably married or something and probably 30 or at the very least in his late 20s but gah SO HOT. i want one T^T

(btw single again. blah. fuck it.)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

bah x(

ok lets start off with the roommate business. when you share an apartment with someone who isnt your friend...just your roommate.....when they come out of their room to get thier icecream from the STOP MAKING OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND you dont keep making out until said roommate (aka me) says "other people live here you know."....and you dont respond to that with a giggle. thats not cute. thats gross and disrepectful. SHIT! MY RA WAS HERE YESTERDAY AND I WAS TOO UPSET TO REMEMBER TO TALK TO HER ABOUT THE BITCH UGH! DX dammit!!

i want to ask her to stop treating the place like she's the only one that lives here and i'm almost mad enough to have the balls to do it too.

i have relationSHIT going on as well. ugh i dont know what to do. fuck everything.