Sunday, December 13, 2009

finals D:

taking a break cause my head hurts....also i dont know why i'm yawning and feel tired...i've had like two caffinated sodas and a tea and lots of sugar but i cant stop yawning and my pillows feel soooo good!

maybe its cause my mom woke me up at 7 IN THE MORNING!....but i went back to sleep for an hour after that....and i went to bed at midnight....i should be weird!

anyway break time!. so uh yeah i'm just gonna copy and paste what i said about going home for good from my Y!gal journal cause i'm feeling tired and lazy and my brain doesnt want to function XD

(ahahahaha i just got totally distracted on Y! by the pretty pictures and the comments and the friends journal entries(SHOES!) and was like "what am i here for again?....oh yeah!" lol)

moving out...failing...finals....going back home for good....whew do i have alot of crap going on right now.

well after one semester of UNM i'm leaving here and going back home and taking a semester off (maybe taking a class at community college) i'm failing.....two classes as far as i know.....pretty damn sure i'm passing the rest....its a long story about why and how i'm failing them and i dont feel like going into it...just that its my fault and i'm kinda pretty much a fuck up and hate myself at the moment (but slowly starting to hate myself less, so thats good)....seriously if i wasnt me i would punch me in the face. *sigh* oh well not like there's anything i can do about it now.

aaaaanyway so going home....i'm actually super seriously excited about that. while i've liked being away from home and its made me learn how to be more reliant on myself i think its time that i went back. and i'm still young and stuff (21 in 8 days!) so i can bounce back from this. and i will. i just dont know what or who i want to be anymore so....home will help. and then i'll probably end up going to Texas State after i figure my shit out. at least thats the plan at the moment. this whole shitty experience (CSF going down the drain, fucking up this semester at UMN, etc.) has made me realize that my parents will in fact do anything for me even when i royally screw myself over, which is good to know and has made me love and appreciate them even more then i already did.

finals....ugh....and while i adore Astronomy and have loved that class like no other class here at UNM.....the goddamn final is at 7:30 IN THE MORNING! D: GEEZE! i'mma have to wake up at like......5 in the morning or something!

this has been an......interesting.....semester. (gods its felt like an entire year! >_<)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

my fairy name!

seriously almost scary how well this fits me! :D

Your fairy is called Gossamer Willowtree
She is a caster of weird dreams.
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos.
She is only seen when the first leaves fall from the trees.
She wears tiny black spiders on her dresses. She has delicate green coloured wings like a cicada.

i want tiny green cicada wings now! D:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

:D omg so pretty!

i just found the most beautiful vintage sweater pattern from 1916 online...for free! :D but while the site it comes from has many of its free patterns posted on rav...this one isnt....sad days!

still, this pattern is beautiful. i shall make it someday...and omit the stupid crocheting <_<...>_>.....

i cant be the only person who has omitted the crocheting from the pattern. i know there had to be a woman in 1916 that was like "crochet?! forget this, i'm doing it in knitting. stupid crochet."....maybe not exactly like that but you get my drift. :)

going to make it....i willll...i waaaannnttt iiiitttt.

Friday, November 13, 2009

ew gross boys are gross!

she brings her stupid boyfriend over here and not only do they make out LOUDLY in the kitchen (i can hear them in my room with the door closed. omfg you've gotta really be disgusting to kiss THAT loudly...ugh *shudder* so disgusting) but he uses the last of the roll of TP and doesn't even replace it. boys are so gross.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

sexy! D:

dammit! so today we had a test in astronomy right? i think i did ok on it...seriously that WAS hard he was right. but i'm pretty positive i passed so thats good :)

unfortunately there was an added distraction.....OMFG SEXY GRAD STUDENT! D:

LOL he's probably married or something and probably 30 or at the very least in his late 20s but gah SO HOT. i want one T^T

(btw single again. blah. fuck it.)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

bah x(

ok lets start off with the roommate business. when you share an apartment with someone who isnt your friend...just your roommate.....when they come out of their room to get thier icecream from the STOP MAKING OUT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND you dont keep making out until said roommate (aka me) says "other people live here you know."....and you dont respond to that with a giggle. thats not cute. thats gross and disrepectful. SHIT! MY RA WAS HERE YESTERDAY AND I WAS TOO UPSET TO REMEMBER TO TALK TO HER ABOUT THE BITCH UGH! DX dammit!!

i want to ask her to stop treating the place like she's the only one that lives here and i'm almost mad enough to have the balls to do it too.

i have relationSHIT going on as well. ugh i dont know what to do. fuck everything.

Friday, October 30, 2009

"dammit woman you've turned me gay!"

so this straight guy friend of mine who i've known since high school just told me this in an email today XD

he's always been real cool with gay people and he's a really really sweet guy (who, yes i did have a giant crush on at one point) we talk on FB and try and keep in touch and like the same really nerdy things. but apparently he has a bit of a crush on some adorable boy in one of his classes lol

its cute though because if you know me you know i dont really believe in the whole "there are gay people and there are straight people" i think every straight person has the ability to maybe in a small part of them fall in love (or just lust, or just "OMG SO CUTE!" feelings) with the same gender, and vise versa. now most people who are one or the other never have that moment or find the one person who they're like "OMG WHAT!? WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS FOR THEEEEMMMMM!?" about. but a few do...and thats just plain CUTE. *giggles* i'll be honest i always thought he had it in him somewhere, he can be quite femme if he tries XD

ahaha i feel like shit with a pounding headache that wont go away and yet this totally made my day ^_^

Monday, October 26, 2009

i have no social life.

like even LESS of one then i had at CSF. and thats just SAD. i mean come on, at CSF i OCCAISIONALLY went to a friend's room, outside for a concert and ran into friends, sat out on the quad and at least got some sun because it was like two minutes outside my door, sometimes even left campus, and actually had friends who wanted to hang out outside of class.

here? i sit my room.....alone. no one asks me to come over because i dont have friends on campus and my off campus friends have work and/or live far away/have no way we can get anywhere. its sad. my social life has been bottled down to seeing people i'm "class friends" with, in class of course, and every two weeks or so eating lunch with Carol on a wednesday or monday when we both have long breaks between classes. thats. it. thats it. i'm serious, THATS my social life. that and being online. and i have to sit here and listen to my roommates with their friends and going out and doing things and having their fuck buddies over (ok only the bitch does that, the other two just have friends over) and actually having human contact and its driving me fucking crazy.

i cant believe i thought i had no social life at i KNOW what no social life feels like. and this time (unlike 4th grade aka the worst year of my life) i dont even have my family to come home to....i have nothing.....nothing but roomies who have their own social lives and ugh!

why does such a stupid conversation with "the bitch" have to make me feel this way!?

"so did you do anything fun over the weekend?"
"no not really, i dont ever do anything fun over the weekend."
"because i dont have any friends here?"
"then why did you want to transfer?"
"i didnt."
"ohhhh thats right you had to.....sorry."

after she had been talking about how awesome her weekend had been when she was rock climbing and having fun and not having to be the one who had to stay home so that someone could let in the repair guy to ONCE AGAIN unclog the toilet.

i'm the loser roomie. just.......kill me now?.....or let me go home and never leave? ugh. or...give me some friends?....or one? one NON CREEPY friend. just ONE. thats all i ask for. one non-creepy, normal friend who will invite me over every once and a while to play video games or watch movies or just be losers together. and it would be nice if they had a but seriously....this is all i ask for? how hard can it be? (apparently very! -___-)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

i totally just set of the fire alarm... my apartment....i was cooking falafel and the smoking oil kinda got out of hand and then drifted over to the fire alarm XD


O.O OMG WTF!? D: *runs over to open windows and fan the smoke away from the smoke detector*

loool that was fun XD

and totally worth it. OM NOM NOM NOM FALAFEL! :D

oh another side note: its finally cold enough to wear my lovely hand knitted by YOURS TRUELY socks! :D mmmmm cozy feets!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

ugh! i hate my hair right now! >_<

i wanna cuuuuut ittttt.

i need something new, i feel stuck with this haircut and maybe even a change of color....or a semi change of color.

i've been getting back into Yu Yu Hakusho (yes this is relivent, i'm not THAT ADD) and i've been looking at Hiei. i've always felt connected to him and you know...its not like it would be that hard for me to have hair similar to his. i think i might have my starburst be pink though......i dunno.....i just....want something new. i'm tired of this crap.

suggestions? (if anyone even reads this entry XD)

also keep in mind that i want to keep it short if you're going to make a suggestion XD

Monday, October 19, 2009


i was just minding my own business, making myself tea in the kitchen....when.....i heard my roommate, yes the same one i wrote the poem for, getting off.....loudly.

i'm not so sure she realizes how thin the walls are here or maybe she just doesnt realize how LOUD she everything she know....if she makes noises like that every wonder she has to sleep with a billion different guys.....i certainly wouldnt wanna hear THAT again XD

wow....that she came home last night from gods know where she spent like ten minutes loudly kissing whichever of her boys she was with this time....she really has no all)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

a poem in honor of my hatred for my roommate.

(not all of the stanzas flow well i know that, suck it i was trying to rhyme!)

Ode to a shitty roommate:

I hate your guts, I hope you know,
That everything you do causes me woe.
You’re a stupid skank, you’ll sleep with anyone.
I don’t know how you seem to be friends with everyone.

I really really wish you didn’t exist
You make the bathroom smell funny, I have to use the air mist.
You sit around with your loud ass friends in the living room,
Talking about things that are disgusting and make me wish upon you, doom.

You turned off my water.
Who the fuck does that!?
You wouldn’t say hi to my father.
I want to beat you up with a bat.

You must have no soul.
It’s the only explination I can think of.
Making my life miserable seems to be your goal.
Yet you somehow think you’re as innocent as a dove.

For such a philosophical person, you’re really a total ditz.
You drink too much beer, that’s why you have the shits.
You have no sense of respect, this I do not understand.
Who the hell, at this age, doesn’t like someone if they don’t know their favorite band?

I think you’re a cunt, I wish you would die.
You make horrible baked goods, I don’t even wanna see how you would butcher pie.
I don’t even have headphones anymore to cancel out your NOISE!
What is it with you and your millions of boys?

You have the most annoying laugh I have ever heard.
Its high pitched and whiny, it would even frighten a bird.
Normally I like when people make up their own philosophy,
But promoting celibacy while being ok with whoring around? Sounds pretty fishy to me.

You actually asked WHY I was with the person I love, because she’s far away?
Are you seriously that jaded? Can you not keep it in your pants?
I’m with her cause I love her, that’s clear as day.
I think I may want to squish you even more than my infestation of ants.

I can tell you this now, I wish you were never born.
Its only been half a semester and already my nerves are worn.
So please listen closely I have something to say:
Stay out of my life, and have a rotten day.

dedicated to the queen of bitches, my roommate. :)

i hate my roomie and wish she would die.

some people sleep at NORMAL myself. i'm in bed at the very latest 1:30 SOMETIMES 2:00 in the know its the weekend....but if you have a roommate who has TOLD you that by midnight they would like to be going to dont invite all of your friends over, turn up your music and play some stupid game, loudly, in the living room (that you didnt invite me to play in the first place until i came out of my room to get some water, bitch)

and ok sure when i was like "um yeah no i wouldnt i'm kinda going to bed" she turned off her BLASTINGLY LOUD MUSIC, but her friends are still loud and stupid and laugh really loud (she laughs the loudest, stupid ditz)..............I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! CANT YOU GO TO A FRIEND'S ROOM WHERE THERE ARE NO SLEEPY ROOMMATES!?...............of course there probably are sleepy roommates at all of the other rooms, just that i happen to be the most weenie of all and wont confront people about it. if i see her tomorrow i might suck it up and talk to her about it though. ugh. i kinda LIKE sleep.....OH! OR I SHOULD BE REALLY FUCKING LOUD IN THE MORNING! SEE HOW SHE FUCKING LIKES IT!? *sigh* i cant wait to go home. oh gods bitch i hate you so much why wont you just cease to exist!?

Saturday, October 17, 2009 careful what i wish for?....

earlier i was wishing for friends. somehow someone out there was listening and magically gave me a friend!...........who is kinda creepy and going to force me to hang out with her when i dont want to XD...or at least try to.

"so what are you good at? what do you do? can i see your art? blagh i'm all up in your personal space!" O.O

she's nice though and doesnt live too far from me...just down the sidewalk, and will go to the store with me! :D

so thats good. ^_^

ahahahahaha i'm a horrible person.

dont you just love it when people you cant stand keep getting fatter and fatter? XD ha ha ha i'm so horrible!

so my CSF arch-nemisis and her boyfriend/completely whipped boy thing keep getting fatter and fatter, as i (yes slowly but still) lose weight. I. LOVE. IT.

ha ha ha Karmic justice maybe? she was after all a total bitch to me. *giggles* this is what you get for eating ice cream every day. (i mean seriously you actually think thats a GOOD idea? O.o?)

ahahaha i feel bad for it but it makes me happy to see their chubby pictures online XD

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ha ha ha i love my astronomy professor.

he has the best sense of humor. makes me lol real hard. so today we had a test right? (i was way better prepared for this one, i think i did pretty good! :D) well anyway on alot of the questions that have to do with "one of these things is true about [blah blah]" he has a joke answer thats obviously wrong. so. fucking. funny. here are some of my favorite ones from this test:

1) which of the following is the reason that Venus' temperature is higher than would be expected?

-its rockin' night life.

2) which of these is the reason we dont see as many impact craters on the surface of Venus?

-the Venutians filled them in to trick us.

those are the ones i can remember vividly...i remember there being a funny one on the last question..but now it slips my mind. damn.

on a completely different note. i SWEAR one of my OCs came to life and sat next to me in Astronomy today O.O

he had the same hair as Aedan, he wore the kind of hat Aedan would wear if he wore a hat, green sweater, jeans. i didnt hear him talk so i didnt know if he was Irish or not XD and he had facial hair. but still....freaked me out man, i had a hard time not staring at him like O_____O

lol. he was cute! XD but then again Aedan is cute so that makes sense that i thought that lol.


oh hells yes! another reason professor Rand is a badass! just got an email about the homework that was due last night. i had wondered about this:

"There is a mistake in the assignment due today. Question 14.7 asks whether Pluto is still the largest object orbiting beyond Neptune. The answer should be False - Eris is thought to be larger than Pluto. However, the answer given is True. I've removed this question from the assignment and alerted, mocked and abused the publishers. Thanks to those of you who caught this and contacted me."

alerted, mocked, and abused the publishers. XD YES! thats exactly what i wanted to do! i was like "BUT BUT BUT BUT ERIS! D:"

pfffff gods he's cool XD the most awesome of nerdy ways!

Monday, October 12, 2009

a few things and a day's thoughts log.

i swear this is a boring campus. i felt like the only queer on campus. i know i cant be the only one cause we've got a QSA thats decent sized and stuff. vtf? also neither of my friends are going to be at the anthropology i'm not going, because i'm a weenie. i'll go to the next one. besides, i have a headache.

didnt bring my computer with me so i wrote down a thought log. same format as before. insert lame "captain's log" joke here:

- woke up at a decent hour.....vtf!?

- pretty sure i'm only one of two people dressed for Coming Out Day......Happy Gay Day adorable barista at Satellite who i now this is even more adorable!

-I seriously hope she goes over greek mythology next class. if she doesnt i'mma have to lay on the hurt DX

-western religion =/= only the judeo-christian religions.....spend some more time on the interesting religions dammit! D:<

- Two London Fogs in one day.....i'mma be wiiiiii~iiiiired @_@

- VTF!? Claxons!? are we on red alert!? are the Klingons attacking!? D:

- ok turns out it was just a test of UNMs emergency they work.....not that i would have known to do if it was a real emergency.

- HOLY SHIT! omg hi mr. praying wanna attack me dont you? aww so cute....i hope you're safe there out in the open D:

- sitting in class an hour before class starts. oh yeah, I'm tat nerdfabulous! :D


i love my random page of OC fucking cute XD

Saturday, October 10, 2009

i cant stop yawning D:

i'm not even tired, i've had my caffine. vtf is going on!?

anyway. went to the cafeteria today. lol that place scares me XD. not like really scares me but like all the "normal" people eat there and i kinda stand out in my crazy colors that dont match but still (if i do say so myself) look freaking awesome together. anyway, that was fun....found out that there is a cereal and baked goods bar....i didnt realize that. so after i found out how badly they FAAAIIIILLL at making grilled cheese and was still hungry after the potatoes i had (i was feeling too lazy to wait in the eggs line :/) i went and got myself some froot loops and a muffin. i think i might take a bagel or two next time i'm there <_<....>_> shhhhh dont tell anyone.

also....they have banners hanging in there with the dorm names on them....reminded me of the house banners in Hogwarts XD sadly my apartments do not get a banner in there because we're not a dorm, we're apartments. lol still, made me happy.

OH! and with my cereal....they had a choice of soy milk (yay!), whole milk, and 1% milk.....they were out of everything but whole
-___- ugh. so i got just a tiny tiny bit of it in my froot loops just enough to get them a little wet and then ate the froot loops with my fork.....surprisingly easy.

hmmm and another thing: i completely understand and respect the idea behind going trayless, less water to use, helps the environment and all that jazz and yeah i love the environment, i'm as eco friendly as the next weird hippie witch girl (eco nazi roommate excluded, fucking psycho o.o) but trays would REALLY make my life easyier. and by really i mean FUCKING GIVE ME A GODDAMN TRAY! how am i supposed to carry everything with just two hands and no tray!? either give me more arms or give me a tray! *grumble grumble* not fucking cool man, not fucking cool.

*knits away on her blankie* i actually feel like working on it! *gasp!* so yay blankie knitting :D

hmmmm random long pointless entry is random long and pointless.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

if you dont plan on paying attention or writing notes, why did you even come to class.

so as i'm sure you all know by now. i fucking love astronomy. pretty much the most interesting class i have ever taken. that being said. i like to pay attention and take notes (and doodle star trek chibis in the sides of my notes <_<..>_>). well today i got to class a little later than usual. (I HAD TO PEE SO BAD!) so i didnt get my usual perfect seat in the second row...someone else took it T^T

so i was sitting in a less than perfect seat in the third row and behind me.....omfg behind me. they. wouldnt. shut. the. fuck. up. i even asked them once. then gave them "THE EYE" two more times....they were....pretty obviously a couple, which is fine, got nothing against that. but they were listening to a shared ipod, doodling, giggling, and flirting for the entire class. if you're not going to take notes, or even listen. 1) how are you going to pass? 2) why are you even in this class?

ok yes i understand that a science lecture and lab are required to graduate and yes i know Astronomy is supposed to be an easy class and yes it is. but really.....some people actually ENJOY learning about planets and moons and other awesome space stuff. so kindly stfu or dont come to class. they even left five minutes early! suuuuch disrespect! omg.

i mean.....i LOVE that class. its my favorite. planets and weird things that cant be explained yet and stars and physics and how the universe works? thats just freaking cool! if i didnt feel like i should be doing some kind of history/science crack baby (oh hello anthroplolgy! :D) i'd probably want to be an astronomer.....and i know there are astronomy majors in the class, has to be. people like them and me are being distracted by these silly freshman who think that its ok to talk while a professor is talking. people need to take notes you know. SOME people find this fascinating...if you dont....go somewhere else because you arent wanted. (they didnt even laugh at the professor's jokes. the guy is funny! i dont know how you cant laugh!)

aaanyway....end of rant.

my shoulder is stiff as hellll D:

but its nice and cool out, i have warm coffee, a banana, a breakfast burrito and chips if i'm still hungry which i prolly wont be so they can be for later :)

oh also! some awesome new things i learned!

Astronomy fact of the day: Saturn has a really really really huge ring that we havent even mapped all just released yesterday. :D so. freaking. cool.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

i'm sick and all i wanna do is knit socks.

but i dont have any sock yarn T^T

i just wanna sit and mindlessly knit myself some socks but no, i dont have any yarn that will work T^T and i have homework i need to do thats due tomorrow. and teacher's to email and all that kinda stuff. *sigh* and i so wanted to go to Astronomy today but my head is so stuffed up that it hurts to stand up and sit back down. i have no idea what walking all that way will do to me T^T

at least this will be the only lecture i've missed. still....poo....but there was no way i was going to get up on time. i'm just now starting to feel KIND OF awake and class is in five minutes :'(

also this damn flu changes its symptoms every day vtf is that? day one: slight throat tickle then a fever at night. day two: nasty cough of doom and chills. and now day three: sneezing, runny nose, stuffy head.

i actually preferred the cough and chills, at least i could walk around without feeling dizzy.

i wonder if i have any decongestants in my first aid kit.

nope. damn. oh well i've got Emergen-C enhanced with Zinc so that might help.

*sigh* i hate being stuffed up, this better not become a sinus infection....YOU HERE ME SINUSES!? I KNOW YOU LIKE GETTING INFECTED BUT NOT THIS TIME!

boooooo.....i guess i should make myself some toast and tea or something :/

(oh and i had another weird ST dream, i was Kirk this time....but i wasnt me at the same time...just Kirk. i dont remember what was going on other then i was in trouble of some kind and Bones was throughly amused because apparently i deserved it XD wtf what did i do?! lol)

WAIT! I DO HAVE SOCK YARN! :D NVM YAY NEW SOCKS! (now should i stripe them or make them a pair thats one green and one blue XD)

Monday, October 5, 2009

weird ass dream last night O.o?

ok so i was Chekov (Anton Yelchin nu!trek version)...but i was also me....and my roommate was Spock (which makes no sense because she's so freaking illogical! D:) anyway it started out that i was making pancakes....or something similar that you fry in a skillet. i was just happily cooking along and then Spock/roomie showed up and i was like "hey i'm making pancakes or vhatever, you vant some?" (yes i had the adorable accent! woo!) and she was like "no. pancakes are illogical." and i was like O.o? because......since when is food illogical? XD (i chalk it up to me not really liking her that much and my brain wanting to make her the enemy XD) anyway i was like *ADORABLE SPACE POUT OF DOOM* and she/Spock was like "meh." and walked off to her/Spock's room. so then i was like....determined to share my pancakes because i had made alot of them in anticipation of sharing them with people (my other roomies never showed up but if i remember correctly they were supposed to be Sulu and Nurse Chapel...from the name tags on their doors) anyway i ended up going outside the room into the hall with my plate of piled high warm pancakes. the hall was kinda like a cross between what the actual hall of the apartments looks like and the halls in the Enterprise (my apartment looked just like it does now) so i was knocking on doors asking people if they would like to share pancakes with me and everyone was either busy, just about to go on shift, or didnt like pancakes (VTF!? who doesnt like pancakes!?) anyway i ended up coming back to my apartment all sad to eat my (still warm lol i love dreams) pancakes by myself but when i got here Kirk and Scotty were in the living room and they were like "Hey Pavel! we've been here waiting to share those pancakes where have you been!?" and i was like "uhhhhhhh......" and then was like "YAY!" and so me and Kirk and Scotty shared my pancakes, the end. XD

oh and Scotty was Devon (but looked like Scotty....though TOS Scotty when everyone else before had been nu!trek) and Mel was Kirk (again TOS, and i have no idea why i made Mel, Kirk XD though i like it.)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

tee hee

doing my astronomy homework in a russian accent makes me feel like Chekov....i like it XD

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


yayyyyyyyy! i can sleep on a mattress again! :D

finally i got a ride to Furniture Row (THANK YOU TIMES A BILLION CAROL OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA! :D) and now as you can see i have an actually functional loft bed! yayayayayay!

mmmmmm sleeping on a mattress will be niiiiiiiiiiice

Y!gal is down

has been for most of yesterday....and is still.......come back Y!gal come back! D:

course it could just be my interwebs connection....but i'm pretty sure its not. BUT ALL MY FRIENDS ARE ON THEREEEEEE! D:

on a completely different note. i hate being a woman. fuck. this shit!

on another completely different side H key doesnt wanna work well for me....i gotta beat it to make it type anything

Thursday, September 24, 2009

never again! T^T

so yeah ok i knew i was kinda lactose intolerant already right? so i try and avoid milk (good thing soy milk is so tasty! :D) but i dont think i realized how much (cause cheese has culture and stuff in it so its much less likely to bother someone who cant process lactose) so today i got a coffee at the outtakes conveniant store on top of the physics building right? well i didnt feel like putting creamer in it (also i couldnt find the creamer first look around lol whoops) so i bought a chocolate milk right? thinking woo college mocha! :D

well i got through my Astronomy lecture just fine (other than emoing about global warming T^T i hate humanity). but as i was sitting outside minding my own business, writing fanfiction in broad daylight in perfect view of normal people (lol i win, yes?) all of a sudden "OMG WTF IS THAT I FEEL IIIICKY D:" yep the fucking milk caught up to me :(

ugh so i decided to go home to crap and have gas in peace (i know, i know TMI), but that means i'm missing lab! D: SORRY HOMERO! (my lab partner)


also my regular nosebleeds have started up again O.o wtf (headaches as well, thats not normal)

boooooo i dont feel well T^T

Friday, September 18, 2009


after Anthropology i decided i wanted a burrito.....but Satellite was sould out of their grabburritos D:

so i decided to check out the mexican food place in the SUB......and while i was waiting for my burrito ( they ran out of guacamole i was sad :C ) this guy came up and was ordering a burrito or something.......he looked alot like McCoy from new!trek.

like when you first see McCoy on the shuttle and he's in the flannel shirt and the jacket and jeans....this guy was dressed like that....and had stubble like him...same color hair....just a tad bit taller and slightly chubbier.....still...made me have a hard time not giggling and staring at him wishing he would start complaining under his breath XD

just another thing to add to my "you know you're a trekkie when...." list LOL

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i'm sooooooaked! D:

i couldnt find my umbrella so i had to walk to class in the rain...which just got steadily heavier as i got closer to the Physics building. so i took my test while i was wet....(i think i ACED it btw! :D) then when i got out of class it was POURING EVEN HARDER! though Lab was canceled cause of the rain :) so thats cool. (didnt have my homework done anyway. its kinda impossible to do though when YOU CANT SEE THE STARS THOUGH THE CLOUDS! DX) anyway i wore my kitty hat today (as you can see) and i totally look like a wet cat lol.

i wish i had some hot cocoa. oh well heavily sugared and creamed coffee will just have to suffice. :)


its rainy and cold out. perfect day to knit :D

hells yeah. i'm gonna get alot of knitting done today XD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Captain's Log. Stardate eight fi-....i mean...Alice's log, Sept. 16th.

-Engineering Job faire. awwww poor little red shirts, they're all gonna die....oh......wait......i dont ACTUALLY go to Starfleet Academy :( (lol)

-Jesus freaks giving out bibles on campus. so glad i wore my pentacle today >3

-is that a shirt or a dress? O.o?

-I had to roll my sleeves down today. :D

-map quiz......probably failed, oh well, better than a zero.

-preppy straight couples make me wanna hurl up my bagel. so normal it hurts! D:

-honey, you may have sexy legs but you cant pull off a shirt that tight. you could have been smokin' hot too :/

-I'm pretty sure i just heard a football player say he had an STD <_<....>_>

-really really butch girls with pink girly phones <3

-everyone at the Satellite Coffee in the Student Union knows who i am now XD i win!

-Puppies! :D I want one! D:

-thought i saw HER (D8!) out of the corner of my eye. almost freaked out. of course it wasnt HER (D8!). she's back in the land of pretence (lol new england)

-i have an intense urge for snacks that are really bad for me. damn you skinny bitch with giant bag of chili cheese fritos, damn you!

-its not even noon! fuck i'm bored! D:

-waited in line half an hour for frybread. so totally worth it. (and my craving for junk food is gone....probably cause frybread is junk food <_<..>_>)

-omg! my burps taste like frybread now! :D yay!

-Apparently there is at least one Akatsuki member in UNM's marching band......they're not doing a very good job of hiding....must be tobi :/

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ha ha, well now, we call this the act of mating...

this entry has nothing to do with Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang....just it just came on so i'm singing along with it lol.

today was awesome in astronomy. lotsa pretty pictures of space (lol i like the science part too but the pretty pictures made me go oooo 8O! lol) anyway we talked about alot of cool stuff like how telescopes work and the awesome things we can see with them. and he showed us his favorite galaxy! (i wish i knew enough about space to have a favorite galaxy! D:)

and since i dropped tai chi (it was actually CAUSING me stress O.o? i know what the fuck was with that right? XD) i now have the rest of the day off wewt! :D

Monday, September 14, 2009

my mind is an odd place.

so i had a dream where i was Chekov...again....last night.

but this dream was like really really awkward. i was....i guess trying to figure out who my lover was (cause apparently i had forgotten, didnt get explained in my dream but i'm guessing weird space anomaly *nod nod*) aaaanyway, the way this was set up was almost like a game show or something, but like...a really awkward game show, like i was really uncomfortable the whole time. (which made for a really uncomfortable and not very relaxing sleep last night >_<) so when i finally figured out who it was (also apparently no one could just tell me who it was cause i remember distinctly asking the Captain if he knew who my lover was but he was like nope, when i found out that yes he dream!? XD) so when it finally came clear, my lover was apparently Doctor McCoy (which is weird cause while i ship Chekov/anyone, i'm in the middle of writing a Scotty/Chekov fic :/) aaanyway i got like three minutes of actual comfortable sleep (since i was now all snuggly with the doctor...i'm surprised he wasnt compleining) and then my alarm went off >_< dammit!

this is what i get for reading/writing trek fanfiction before i go to bed lol

also the lack of decent sleep is probably why i forgot my wallet this morning and had to walk all the fucking way back here ugh. well at least i'm getting the exercise.....right? XD

Sunday, September 13, 2009

i hate you carpal tunnel

i hate you so fucking much! DX

my hand is going numb, my wrist hurts and the inside of my elbows hurt >_< fuckedy fuck fuck fuck.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

at the duck pond

decided to have a picnic today since its so damn nice out :)

so i came to the duck pond, brought some food and water and coffee with me and am sitting here watching the ducks. most of the action has kinda died down, all the ducks are sleepy now. :( and i didnt get to feed them my bread.

also its apparently wedding picture day here since there have been four different wedding parties taking pictures today. go figure.

i should really be doing homework, cause i intended to but.....nah its way too nice out for homework XD

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

lol i couldnt wait

i have no patience sometimes. i downloaded Star Trek XI to my computer. i had to lol. not that i wont still buy the DVD (the copy i downloaded doesnt have any of the credits, has ads in russian on the bottom of the screen and is not a horrible quality, in fact for what it is its pretty damn good quality but the DVD will be a billion times better :D) but i just had to watch it lol. thank you limewire! <3

so Devon and i totally watched a movie together today XD

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


......i could have sworn a loft bed came with a ladder and a gaurd rail so you dont die when you roll over in your sleep.

but apparently not. apparently loft just means "we're gonna jack your bed up so you cant sleep on it or get up there without almost falling and killing yourself" nice huh? wish they had told me that or we could have built our own damn loft and brought it with us. i need a gaurd rail....seriously extra long twins dont fit me i roll around and shit...i've almost fallen off like twice when it was ground level and that would have hurt enough. i kinda like my spine and skull intact. i'm totally worried about my safety up on that thing. and i've been in loft beds before. i <3 them. they make me feel like i'm special and in a tree house....this one just just rickety and scary.....i also need something to make sure the bottom and the top dont wiggle around on each other eep! cause thats totally what they're doing when i try and get on it >_< arg.

well its a good thing my mom comes soon i'm sure we can find something to make a gaurd out of cause i'm not sleeping up there until i have one. i like being alive. i'm totally sleeping under here tonight. jeeze this is why no one wants a loft huh? :/

i mean yeah i'm glad its up cause i need the space it gives me buuuuut......kinda fail on the how the shit am i supposed to sleep up there factor. kinda massive fail.

gods i'm such a nerd XD

i fucking love astronomy! :D sooo much fun. omg space!

but seriously though i do i really really do. today i got to be the moon in class when the teacher did a demonstration with a big blow up earth, a "sun" light source and the moon and i was the only one that volunteered! D8 how can that be!? doesnt every one want to be the moon!? it was so much fun!

also today i drew Star Trek chibis all over my notes, i got to class about tem minutes early so i drew Stripper!Bones and Horny!Kirk (oh wait thats his normal state) Stripper!Bones is like "dammit Jim! i'm a doctor not a stripper!" and is trying to cover up his panties with his skirt >D and Jim is like "thats not what you said last niiiiiight~" and is waving a dollar bill in McCoy's direction XD. then class started lol i started drawing a chibi Spock saying "fascinating" next to something new i learned that i thought was awesome but then there was something new i needed to take notes maybe i'll finish that later XD

i'm so gonna become known as "the nerd" in all my classes but i really dont care lol. i fucking love school ^__^

oh also since today we talked about the moon and phases and all that stuff that makes me drool with nerdy happiness i've officially decided that yep my first tattoo is going to be the phases of the moon...not i just gotta figure out where i want them :/

oh ha ha i also totally got hit on today while i was inline for my daily London Fog (earl grey latte) from Satellite. in fact i think i was being hit on by both guys lol (they were friends) ha ha ha it made me giggle like mad on the inside. they were quite nice though. one guy asked if i lived in wonderland when i told him my

Friday, August 28, 2009

kinda skipped a day there but ehh not much to report on that day anyway XD

today was......interesting? sure lets call it interesting XD

first off i somehow got myself completely obsessed with the new Kirk/McCoy star trek fandom yesterday and now i cant get over how fucking cute it is. gah. so i spent most of my day with naked Jim and Bones chibis frolicking through my head (ok well more like frolicking on Kirk's part and sulking all cranky like on Bones's part XD) so i have officially sunk to a new level of nerd......i'm pretty sure i'm gonna go as starfleet personel for halloween as well...yep...nerd.

anyway there was that....and oh yeah western civ discussion pff i already told the TA that i'm a giant history nerd so hopefully she likes me already cause of that. keep your fingers crossed that i dont make an ass of myself in that class. almost convinced myself to sleep through it and then was like "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING WOMAN!?" and got my ass ready to go lol

then there was lunch....pretty tasty wrap sammich thinger from Satellite coffee (they're gonna have so much of my money by the end of the semester) different sammich than the one i had before and much tastier might i add (though the other was tasty as well) and my new favorite drink a London Fog ^__^ ate that outside with IMing friends (i brought my compy with me today) and debating wether it is appropriate to read Kirk/McCoy fics in public or not.

then i wandered over to anthropology and took my usual seat (i have a usual seat already lol) and made a new friend ^__^ her name is kayla. she obviously liked twilight which slightly scared me but then again i do know some twilight fans that i like so i wont put it against her XD

then something extra good happened today ^__^ thats all i really need to say about it. it was extra good. yesterday yeah

Astronomy and Astronomy lab were good. interesting, i like science ^__^ *neeeeeerd* and then tai chi was gooooood i felt all loose and calm afterwards ^__^ and i officially registered for it.....thats pretty much what yesterday was like...a little boring XD

bleh i'm kinda tired but its the weekend and i can stay up late cause i dont have to get up for any reason.....but i've been so busy all lol

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

day three and fuck am i exhausted

this might take a few hours to get put up cause......i'm busy being a laze ass XD so if you see that i posed something at like 8 lol thats why. i've been writing this since 4:30.

mmmmk so second day of Western Civ. we talked about....Western Civ. lol BUT i made a new friend! :D his name is Rudy :3 he is very nice and offered to take me to Fiesta/Zozobra if i cant find a ride :D yay!

then i had two hours for lunch. watched little Kids with their mom's tormenting the ducks lol read some of my gay pirate romance novel, thats right i said gay pirate romance novel! >D and ate my lunch, didnt finish it...can decide if i'm gonna finish it for dinner or go to LaPo :/ we'll see

OH! but i got the most orgasmic drink ever from Satellite Coffee! 8D they called it a London Fog. basically its an Earl Grey tea Latte with two shots of vanilla (i almost wrote shits XD) it tasted like heaven.

then i had Anthro (no not furries ya pervs!) and we watched part of a movie about Bushmen in Africa. and there was this old couple that was part of the tribe that were soooo cute like old couples are you know? they were adorable. so that was fun.

then Navajo. i know how to say "Hi i am called Alice. what are you called?" in Navajo now...and i know how to say the beginning of the alphabet. but i cant really write any of it out for you here cause it involves lots of things that i cant write with my stupid english alphabet computer XD so next time you talk to me in real life (if you know me that is) if you wanna hear it, ask :D

and now....i am exhausted.... completely exhausted and i still have Astronomy homework and i should probably do my Western Civ homework as well *sigh*

(sorry for no explination on what's in the bento....too tired and i have a chapter to read)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


^thats what i had for lunch today, more on that in a second^

okies so today was pretty cool my day started with waking up at 6:30 lol cause my class is at 9:30 and i needed the time to pack my back pack and get dressed and make breakfast and all that normal morning crap. so then i made my way all the way across campus (lol) to the Physics building where my Astronomy 101 class is gonna be. ok so this class is gonna be way extra cool :D and i'm totally jazzed for it. amusingly the professor kinda reminds me of my dad only an Astronomer and not a Biologist (which is what my dad is) so thats cool. and i realized that i was the only nerd in my area of the class that i sat in cause i heard other people talking and they were all saying things like "so are you excited?" "not really i just heard this was an easy class" while i'm sitting there like "OMFG SPACE! 8D" oh oh oh! the Soap Bubble nebula, look it up! its way extra pretty! :D lol and my spiral for that class has written on the front (by me) "Space...the final frontier." LOL NEEEEERD yep thats me what can i say? anyway i think that class is gonna be hella awesome :3

mk so after that class i had lunch. the building is kinda underground (hard to explain D8) so its really short and has tables and chairs on top so i pulled two chairs to the side of the building where there is a ledge and had lunch there. my first bento ever! :D

*~in the Bento:~*

~Bottom level: leftover half of a "fresh salad wrap" from Satellite coffee that i had for lunch on the first day, four grape tomatoes

~Top level:baby carrots (they also came with the wrap yesterday but i had a banana yesterday so i didnt eat them) and a mini bagel with cream cheese and low calorie strawberry jelly (which was my desert)

that wrap was better on the second day so that was a pleasant surprise ^__^ and i didnt finish all the carrots or the last grape tomato cause i was craving sweets by then so i ate the mini bagel and then was full. mmmmm tasty tasty bento lunch <3

then i went to the bookstore to see if my books were in. and they all were so yay! :D i now officially have all my books and a clicker....with a clicker sticker thats pink and blue so my clicker pwns your clicker >D i also got sweatpants cause i needed some for my Tai Chi class later in the day.

then i had 4 HOURS AND 45 MINUTES until my next class LOL so i finished reading my Western Civ homework (chapter 1) and then dicked around for a bit and then modified my new sweatpants (i cut off the bottoms cause I ARE SHORT and pants never fit me) put them and a shirt on and then went to Tai Chi.

so when i was trying to get to Tai Chi.....I COULDNT FIND THE DAMN ROOM D8 that building is conveluted (sp?) and the room numbers make absolutely no sense what so ever but eventually i found it, thankfully i wasnt late....but apparently i wasnt in this class....i was in the class in the second half of the semester....BUT! :D they let me join anyway because they're nice and i'm just gonna take it both halves of the semester. mmmm we only learned the first movement but i think i already <3 Tai Chi.

then i got lost leaving the building and ended up on the wrong side....oh well i just decided to have dinner in the Student Union since it was right there. mmm pasta salad from Saggio's.

then back here and.....well here i am! :D

(oh yeah i mature contented this bitch cause i kinda curse like a sailor and kinda just realized it XD)

Monday, August 24, 2009

my first day of REAL college

or at least thats how it feels. CSF was so small and not like a real university. i mean yeah thats what i loved about it that it was small and felt more homey than this does. but i gotta admit i kinda like feeling like a real college student XD

ok so the toilet is unclogged, i heart whichever of my roommates or their friends or whatever figured out how to work that damn plunger it wasnt working! D8 i felt bad being one of the first awake and not getting it unclogged but i had class i had to get to! D8. oh well.

so i had breakfast in the cafeteria (because having someone else make it is quicker and i didnt sleep well last night, too excited and i really need something that blocks light in front of my window because of that damn street lamp DX) anyway i had a breakfast burrito with eggs and potatoes and green chile and cheese. OM NOM NOM not bad for a breakfast, i also took a banana but i was full so i stuck it in my backpack and went off to find my class.

lol ok getting to my first class was hilarious. i thought i was lost about five times but ended up finding a random back way through a parking lot and behind one of the dorms to the central walk way and found out that my classroom was hella easy to find. right behind the fountain next to the Student Union. so i was early :D yay. well my first class was Western Civ and while yeah it might turn out to be boring and the teacher is kinda scary and she talks too fast i also have a smaller discussion class later this week with one of the student aid people thingers so that will probably help alot. at least i hope it does.

mk then i had lunch. since i was right there by the student union i decided to go in and try what they've got. i looked around and decided to go back to the first place i saw, a local coffee chain called Satellite Coffee. i got a veggie wrap thing that came in a box with carrots and i also got a tall chai latte. i was very pleasently surprised with their chai :D very good! i only ate half the wrap and my banana from breakfast, the other half and the carrots are part of tomorrow's Bento :3

ok two hours is waaaay longer than you think it is when you have nothing to do, by the time i was done with lunch i still had an hour and a half until my next class so i decided to go find it just in case i got lost XD lol. it was much easyier to find than i thought it was and it was really beautiful in the area so i sat outside against a tree and started on my Western Civ homework (reading the first chapter) but then it started drizzling (its been REALLY nice and cool out almost all day) so i went inside. OMG THE ANTHROPOLOGY BUILDING IS BEAUTIFUL! D8 like seriously beautiful. its a nice adobe building on the outside but around here that means nothing for how the inside is going to look XD but the inside of this is really nice, it had these floors that looked like natural rock (they had a thick glaze over them so i have no idea if they were real or not) and really nice traditional New Mexican ceilings :D and then the classroom had even cooler ceilings! i think i'm going to really like Anthropology, a whooooole lot of note taking, my hand was cramping up by the end of the class but still it was very interesting, it made me want to take notes. and the teacher seemed pretty nice lol Dr. Ozzie

my last class of the day was Navajo (a language class not a history class) and on the way to that building i found the art annex and the building that my Astronomy class is in ^__^ so yay! that class is going to be hard but AWESOME i'm totally jazzed and we heard the teacher speak in Navajo today and oh man its a beautiful language i mean just BEAUTIFUL! lol i'm totally a minority in that class but thats kinda cool. some of the students already speak a little Navajo and are taking the class to get better at it so thats also cool :) the teacher seemed really nice, she's a graduate student so she understands what its like to be a student and i found out that i only have to buy one of the books at the store! :D i'm sooo glad i waited to get the book until now cause i would have spent over 200 dollars that i now dont have to! :D whee~ (though i do have to buy two more books for Western Civ....i think the bookstore screwed up cause there were only two when i got there :/)

then my day of classes was over and i started walking along the inside rode along Central to get back here to my apartment. you know you're getting close to where i live cause you can here the band practicing on the lawn i live across from. its awesome. so that was my first day of REAL college here at UNM pretty good for a first day i'd say! :D


the toilet is clogged......and we have one of those shitty plastic plungers that...of course.....dont work. i've tried plunging it like ten times now.....fuck fuck fuck. no matter what i wont go down. fuck this.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

crap! D8

i have ants in my room! ahhh they got in my cheddar bunnies after just one day T^T

i wanted to eat those......go away ants my crackers, mine!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

well...i guess this is UNM

moved into my new room here at UNM today. first floor, which sucks, but i have a pretty tree outside my window at least. i ordered a bunking kit (to loft my bed up so i can have space under it) but it STILL isnt here and i was the first person to sign up for one today. FAIL. and now i know that its not going to happen >_<.....and the person who lives above me is either a very noisy mover inner or they have heavy feet, i'm hoping its the moving in.

but on a happy note, one of my apartment mates, Larisa seems REALLY nice and she made us all sushi ^__^ (she's vegetarian as well. yay!) both of my foreign roommates are asian (cause i'm living in the global learning community here) so thats cool. the restaurant across the street is good, diner food and stuff. went to target and got some good stuff, food and other things.

and yay i have fast interwebs again! :D well thats all for now.

Friday, July 31, 2009

been a while :/

i've been kinda AWOL from the internets for a while now, part of me feels bad about it. but the rest of me likes the lack of stress XD.

also, over the summer i share a computer with my parents soooooo yeah.

well i'm sorry that this is a boring post but i'm just saying that no, i am not dead, and in a few weeks i should be back to posting more regularly because i will be back at college and with the interwebs on my own computer!

Monday, May 11, 2009

mmmmm blankie

small break from writing my english final @-@

i have this woven pink blanket. my family has had it since before i can remember, its always been the weird giant pink blanket that doesnt seem to go with anything my family owns and i've ALWAYS loved it. its light weight and yet still manages to keep me warm. its a light enough pink so that it doesnt clash terribly with anything but its not so light that its just ugly. its the weirdest woven pattern i've ever seen and i have no idea how it came to be this way.

now its all mine and i wish i could just snuggle up in it and never leave. its a little chilly this morning as i finish up my paper. so i'm curled up in my pink blankie, mmmm soft.

Friday, May 8, 2009


this is so sweet

a homeless couple got to have the wedding of their dreams. just goes to show that love is the one thing that can keep people going, no matter what. i wish them all the luck in the world. i teared up lol, i'm such an emo.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


so last night i had this dream, it was short and sweet, not a whole lot to it but...kinda amusing.

so in this dream i was either dating...or that awkward "i like you and you like me and its obvious but we're both to idiodic to say anything" stage. either way we were snuggling. well with a character, one of my original characters from a while ago. and it was weird because i always associated myself with his friends in the story, i mean yeah i loved him, i loved all my characters, but i guess its kinda like that friend that you love but you would never consider having a relationship with them you know? which is always totally unfair to the friend and now that i think about it, it was really unfair to this character (yes he's not real but these characters have been in my head since middle school they're so real to me by now)

but now that i think about it, after this silly and cute dream. i'm totally his type. and he's totally mine. kinda weird, i've known these characters for ages now and i'm JUST NOW realizing that, no matter how much i may absolutely love some of the other characters, i think my true love of the story might be him lol.

this makes no sense to anyone else and it isnt meant to, sorry for the ranting (not that anyone actually reads my blog anyway).

Friday, May 1, 2009

omg this is silly

mk this site makes everything better lol. i found a website with a fic drabble romance madlib. here's the best one so far! XD

The Battle For The Bacon

In a bus, Tano sucked his bacon. He had been busy with the bacon for hours and now wanted nothing more than a cute cuddle or a large massage from his lover Hitra.

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his sparkly Hitra appeared at the door, grinning quickly.

"Put down the bacon," Hitra said loudly. "Unless you want me to suck that bacon on your toe."

Tano put down the bacon. He was pink. He had never seen Hitra so shiny before and it made him sexy.

Hitra picked up the bacon, then withdrew a glitter from his tummy. "Don't be so pink," Hitra said with a shiny grimace. "A werewolf bit my penis this morning, and everything became gay. Now with this bacon and this glitter I can loudly rule the world!"

Tano clutched his fun penis crankily. This was his lover, his sparkly Hitra, now staring at him with a shiny tummy.

"Fight it!" Tano shouted. "The werewolf just wants the bacon for his own sparkly devices! He doesn't love you, not the cute way I do!"

Tano could see Hitra trembling crankily. Tano reached out his toe and touched Hitra's tummy loudly. He was sparkly, so sparkly, but he knew only his fun love for Hitra would break the werewolf's spell.

Sure enough, Hitra dropped the bacon with a thunk. "Oh, Tano," he squealed. "I'm so cute, can you ever forgive me?"

But Tano had already moved in a bus. Like a guitar on fire, he pressed his toe into Hitra's tummy. And as they fell together in a gay fit of love, the bacon lay on the floor, sexy and forgotten.


you dont break up with people "because you care about them" you dont break up with people because you have a crush on someone. is it REALLY that hard for you to keep it in your fucking pants!? omfg i thought you were finally the one, finally my Cid but nooooo~ you're just ANOTHER FUCKING LUCRETIA!!!!!! and this time i cant hate you because you were so fucking sweet about it!!!!!! but i can want to kill this bitch you wanna get with. you should be happy, now you actually DO get to get it on with Hojo.......fucking bitch.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

i think i just did something stupid

i just turned down a job. lol.

but see i applied at book people (best bookstore ever) and the woman that was talking to me works in gifts, which sure i could work in and enjoy, but she usually hires full time and she only has two people that work for her, and i have to leave for college again after the summer and i dont want to do that to anyone. so i turned it down.

but apparently i get a little star of awesome by my name because i was honest and said i would rather work with books, so.....thats good, i REALLY hope i get this job. money over the summer would be sooo nice. and money at a bookstore where i would be spending alot of the money anyway lol yay employee discounts! :D

*crosses fingers* i SOOOO hope i get this job! i really really hope i do! its not like i wont work every holiday that i come home, cause i will. and they wont have to retrain anyone, just re hire me and woo! *crosses fingers* i know i'm on the short list, and i know someone who works there so that helps....oh man do i ever want this job!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ha ha oh college

what do you do when you're out of money, hungry, and all you have in your dorm is two packets of ketchup, a jar of peanutbutter, a packet of miso soup and some spices?

make peanut soup of course!

College peanut soup:

about half a chili bowl of water, heated up for about two minutes.

three-four large spoonfuls of natural peanut butter (dunno how jif and those kinds would work :/)

two packets of ketchup

powered miso soup to taste.

red pepper and turmeric.

this is surprisingly REALLY good XD

ha ha oh college food experiments.

this was my mom's idea XD if i end up dead tomorrow morning its her fault LOL

Friday, April 24, 2009


and they're so GAAAYYYYYY. i think capcom has officially outed Miles, i mean come on, scalloped fine china tea cups with magenta swirly things on them? yeah GAY.

i need one i need one i need one i need one!

this is like....two of my favorite things ever! Miles and tea! D8 oh man! need like......NAO! oh man and i can drink from it while playing GK when it comes out oh i need it! D8

summer job NAO! need money for gay Miles tea! D8

the greatest bag in the whole world

i used to have this knit (i think, could have been crochet) bag. it was the best bag ever. it was natural undyed cream colored cotton (-edit- ok no i think it might have been hemp) and it smelled like hippies :D (not the stinky kind that dont bathe, the good smelly kind :D) i used to take this bag freaking everywhere and used it for everything, it was like my staple fashion accessory. it was the best bag ever! but then it slowly started falling apart, it was kinda lacy and stuff with wide holes and things, it was pretty but not that durable. i just remembered it when i saw something kinda similar on ravelry. i have decided....i need to re-create this bag, really badly cause now i want it alot! D8

*skips off to try and find a pattern for something similar*

really weird dream last night

so yeah my school is closing and i have to go somewhere else and it scares me alot. so last night i had a dream about it. i apparently got this free ride to this school in san antonio, and yeah it was a good deal but like i've said many times i dont want to go back to texas i dont want to leave new mexico i love it here. but then in my dream i didnt get accepted to UNM because i sent in my application too late (which is one of my fears at the moment) and so i kind of had to take this. only (and this is where it gets weird) i could only take the train there, and i had to take the train from this weird station that i had never heard of before and didnt even know existed. it was like this REALLY nice old kinda steampunk-y train station. but also i had to leave immediately and i didnt have time to pack my stuff so my mom was going to have to and then send it to me.......which freaked me out because i have things that she doesnt need to know about in my room O.O. but i had to or i was going to be collegeless and i'm afraid if i take a year off i wont get back into it you know? so my mom and i rushed to the station and got my ticket and also what was my schedule and room number for the school and i had to run to catch the train, i did catch it but it was still scary, i had never been to this college, i was going back to texas like i DIDNT want to and i didnt know ANYONE on this train. then i woke up....ugh that was just......i hate dreams like that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

mmmm sleep meditation :)

no not napping, yes its similar but you feel even BETTER afterwards than with a nap, like you know how a nap just makes you more tired? well this wakes you up ^__^

i've been feeling really tired and weird lately and kinda out of whack. i think my chakras were all out of alignment and stuff. so i put on my meditation music lied down in a good meditative position, opened my window to the outside air and promptly fell asleep. just woke up and i feel freaking GREAT! :D


also yeah i wanna take up yoga/regular meditation again over the summer along with exercise :3 balance it all out and stuff.

man i feel great, like i could do cartwheels if i knew how....or i could just snuggle down and continue feeling all content and comfy.

except i need to pee first......LOL

mmmm i'm so glad i finished my classwork early and left that was exactly what i needed :)


i've been craving them all week and technically i've woken up at a normal hour so that yes i could go get myself a waffle in the caf.....but i'm a lazy bum who cant stop sneezing and doesnt want to move/get dressed. also i have a weird pounding headache in the side of my head.....i think i forgot caffine for two days in a row again >_<

now...lets see if i can get this headband i'm knitting done before class today :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

dum di dum dum

havent posted here in a while....but i've been neglecting the internets lately :/

i should get dressed and go get some breakfast.....but i dont have the motivation to XD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


i've got the chain stitch down....thats easy....but i obviously dont have the right sized yarn for my hook/right sized hook for any of my yarn.

either my hook is too small or my yarn is all too big for the hook i have T^T i cant seem to be able to get past one row of chains and then one other row thingie...:(

major suckage...i want to practice so i can get good and make my mommy some cute little owly thingies but if i dont have the right hook/yarn then i cant praaaaaactice >_< i get two rows and then its like "well this isnt working" and i gotta pull it all out D8

boo stupid tiny crochet hook you're too small! bleehhhhh poopie and i was all excited about learning how! :(

*sits and pouts*

Monday, April 13, 2009

stuff and things....

woo three posts in one day!

ok now i havent taken my ADD pills today like i was going to so my brain has been all over the place thinking about things.

i've realized, that while i dont really think of myself in any sterotype category, other people do and ok yeah thats a duh, people usually stereotype people then we dont usually stereotype ourselves. but i mean like there are some people that arent easyily categorized and i always thought i was one of those. because yeah i'm a vegetarian hippie chick, but i listen to Metal and have pink hair. i dress in all black somedays and then tie-dye the next day. i dont really feel like i have a stuck style in anything really. but apparently i have been dubbed a "punk kid" now trust me i dont mind being a little punk kid and yeah i like punk music and dress kinda punky quite often. i just....never realized i had a REAL category. i find this fascinating lol.

i usually categorize myself as just eclectic lol

oh well, i guess it comes with the pink hair XD

omg i have to learn to crochet NOW!

i just found the cutest thing on the face of the planet....these little crochet owls...omg...they're just so freaking adorable! D8 i need to make them now!

my mom NEEDS one...or two...or five LOL

i just went through everyone's FOs on ravelry of these things and EEEEEE!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!! omg they're just......eeeee!!!

couldnt sleep last night... was pretty bad...i couldnt sleep until like 4....i even tried knitting which usually helps me sleep but i STILL couldnt sleep till four >_<

although i DID figure out a new headband pattern thingie i can make! :D yay for new patterns 8D

*goes back to finishing this thing*

Saturday, April 11, 2009


it was beautiful weather for the last week or so....and now its snowing.....what the hell NM!? XD

*goes back to getting dressed only with now an added snow jacket involved*

Friday, April 10, 2009

when a love of japan and knitting clash.

you get me all pissed off that there are no REAL knitted kimono/yukata patterns, just a bunch of silly wrap sweaters.

although now that i think about it they're really just made of a bunch of rectangle shaped pieces of fabric........i could probably make one myself, not that difficultly :/

*skips off to design one*

loud people....

need to stfu when they're in the quiet hall.....i moved here for a reason...and ok during the day its not so bad but when they're REALLY loud during the day......that pisses me i the only one that moved here for some damn peace and quiet!? DX

now i get having fun and being loud, i'm not like an old curmudgeoun or loud! have fun! enjoy life!....just enjoy life and have fun quieter in places that have specific rules about noise levels....and if you were put here even though you didnt ask for the quiet floor....tough, deal with it, go be loud somewhere where people appreciate it....your friends have dorm rooms too, you dont have to hang out go away! XD

you know you've had too much knitting when...

your dreams consist of you finishing your current project.....and thats about it.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

got two packages! :D

"today" i got two packages in the mail! (by the time i post this it will probably be officially the next day so...lets say today lol cause right now its 11:55 PM)

one was from my mommy...and it was squishy and i was thinking "did my mom send me a plushie of some kind?" and yes....yes she did....a plushie of Grouchy Smurf LOL because thats how i feel about everything right about now....not that i'm no longer an optimistic sparkly shiny pink person....just that now i'm a GROUCHY optimistic sparkly shiny pink person LOL if that makes any sense what so ever XD

and the second package was from Knit Picks! :D

that site is like crack.....good cheap crack....LOL aaaanyway they had a REALLY GOOD sale on sock knitting books and i've been wanting to knit socks for a while now so i decided that i should get a book so that i could lean over the summer when i finally have some time and HOPEFULLY money from a job to get yarn and things to actually make the socks. so that book came in and i think i know what i'm going to knit first! :D and also my bright ass, burn your corneas pink yarn came in! :D yayyy i can finally make the mitts i wanna make out of it....i hope there's a little bit left so i can make a pink spider out of it and name it hide....other wise i just might have to buy more of this stuff lol

designing the pattern for these gauntlet/mitt things as i go! should be up in here once i finish the first one! :D so wheee!....i think i need a sparkly bead.....but maybe these ones will go without :/

weird dream last night

i know it involved Gateau and Marron..........and keeping someone from getting.....something...something really stupid....i wish i could remember it cause it was bizarre.....but its completely gone....i hate that! DX

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

stuff and things (certain anime spoilers)

kinda bored before english class......soooo yeah....strawberry pocky and earl grey tea with cream for breakfast....thats healthy......right?....<_<.......>_>

aaaanyway yeah........still havent finished those mitts DX

i tried yesterday while i was watching Sorcerer Hunters but..........that anime is way too engrosing to knit while watching O.O


and omg i CRIED MY LITTLE EYES OUT WHEN MARRON DIED AND THEN GATEAU T^T omg that was the sweetest and most sad thing ever!

"you may have lost a brother but i lost something too!" BREAK MY HEART WILL YOU GATEAU!? D8 OMG! you have no idea how much that made me cry!!!!!

gods soul mates are sooo cute!!!!! its not fair lol.

oh and then in their next life how Marron was actually GAYER than in his previous life....yeah i thought that was impossible....but a pink turtle neck proved me wrong XD

oh dear that anime is fun and exciting and cuuuuuuuute

although i'll be honest Carrot is an idiot because he's really attractive, if he wasnt such an obvious pervert he could definately get the ladies (though maybe he doesnt REALLY wanna get the ladies other than a certain two ;) )

ooooh man Marron and Gateau are now on my list of yaoi couples that i LOVE.....gods the list gets longer XD

but i kinda have a thing for the pairings that are one manly guy and one pretty boy...those are cute....and i also have a thing for soul mates, cause thats just the best thing ever! <3 <3 <3

ok end anime dork rant....i should get dressed for class XD

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

pocky, anime, and the most crack-fabulous love letter ever....

GODDAMN I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

i just got my anniversary present in the mail today! pocky tied with ribbon, all of sorcerer hunters and a love letter written in chat form with Cid and Hojo involved XD

THIS is why i love this woman....well ok not the only reason but this just proves that she gets me LOL

and the lovely dear even killed her beloved scientist for me XD (there's a chibi of him all tied up and hanging from the happy 6th (month) anniversary banner she drew XD)

lol omg this made my freaking day! *tears open one of the chocolate pocky boxes* mmmm tastes like kissing.....

Monday, April 6, 2009


my graphic design teacher called me a telletubby today because i was wearing my pink fluffy kitty hat XD lol made me day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

people who knit their first project ever on nice yarn....


lol i mean seriously you're supposed to start out on shitty heart saver yarn and either knit the ugliest thing in the world ever on it or frog it about 15 billion times before it finally doesnt look like a yarn monster threw up your project. i mean come on. who the fuck STARTS with Noro!?

your first scarf is NOT supposed to be pretty its supposed to be HIDEOUS but yet you still love it and are massively proud of it, even in its ugly yarn monster barf-dom.

now maybe its older people with real jobs that start out with pretty things like Noro but i still find that to be wrong, i mean come on, the ugly scarf is like a right of knitting passage so someday when you're sitting around at the old folks home, knitting some crazy ass complicated afghan or something you can talk with the olther old ladies (and men too!) about your ugly ass first knitting projects and laugh your asses off. but if you're the ONE that started with Noro and had a scarf that actually looked good you're totally gonna feel left out. save buying nice yarn for when you've made a few things first, get some shitty yarn that you can fuck up on, thats how you fucking up! (seriously! i discovered seed stitch this way when i was trying to do 1x1 rib for the first time and totally messed it up XD...but i LOVE seed stitch now)

-end rant-

lol its just that that annoys me when people just starting out buy nice yarn and i've been knitting for almost five years now and have never had anything as nice as Noro to call my own.....and i guess i'm just silly and feel like i deserve it and they dont? lol thats dumb but how i feel XD

oh well....on a lighter note i finished the knitting portion of Rowan's comission i gotta sew in the yarn ends and add fringe but the scarf is pissing me off at the moment lol so yeah taking a break and knitting the other of my seed stitch mitts :3 yay for seed stitch! :D i <3 seed stitch

omg yay!!!

my evil back pain of doom didnt show up last night! i got to sleep! 8D omg yayyyyyy~!!!!! 8DDDDDDDD

Saturday, April 4, 2009

oh gods TEA! <3

i cant get over how good tea is....every time i drink it its like....still JUST as good and it NEVER gets old....

my fave teas:
Earl Grey (preferably Bigalow but Tazo's is goods too)
Green Tea Kombucha (Yogi brand, in caffinated and non caffinated, best green tea on the face of the planet)
Tazo's Calming (yeah its an herbal but omg its good i swear it should be illegal D8)
Chocolate Mate (OM NOM NOM! mate AND chocolate? D8 oh gods its so good!)

tea tea tea! i love tea! now get me some goddamn tea! lol

*sips her kombucha* SO DAMN GOOD! D8

*giggle giggle*

i've had the Divinyls "I Touch Myself" stuck in my head for days now so i finally caved in and bought it off itunes XD

i have it on repeat on my player.....gods this song is fun to sing over and over again....its got some GREAT lines in it man, some GREAT lines!

and i want to write a song fic.....holy crap i've NEVER done that before O.O

usually i find song fics kinda annoying but....oh man this is just too good to pass up XD....not i just gotta decide what pairing to use hmmmm *scratches chin and twirls non existent beard*




oh wow that last one O.O....that could REALLY work O.O


*runs off to write!!!!*

Friday, April 3, 2009

kitty hat needs paws! D8

and i dont have enough of the Italia colorway to make both! i hope the person i found that has it for trade or sell will cause i want some arm warmers and leg warmers to match >D

NYAAA~ =^.^=

*crosses fingers and hopes for the best*

its finally hit me....

i really WONT be coming back here next year.....CSF really will NOT exist......i have to go somewhere else....but i dont want to go anywhere else...i like it here....this is the only place i liked....i have friends here.....i feel AT HOME here......i dont WANT to go to UNM i dont WANT to!!!! and yes i guess that makes me a little childish but can you really blame me for not wanting to leave my HOME, for not wanting the place that i feel RIGHT in? can you really blame me for being silly and not wanting to leave? its scary to have the UNM application staring at me in the face, its terrifying its like its telling me to give up....BUT I DONT BELIEVE IN GIVING UP SO WHY DO I HAVE TO!?

i feel so stupid to be crying over something that i knew was coming and that i saw coming from miles away. and yet here i am, tears dripping down my face as i write this......why does life have to suck some times? why do politicians have to SUCK SO HARD THAT THEY ALL NEED TO JUST FUCKING STOP BEING ASSHOLES ALREADY! fucking legislation, thanks for signing my HOMEs death warrent, thanks alot assholes. yeah sure there are some awesome ones that fought for us and those i appreciate with all my heart but obviously there weren't enough of them to have it actually matter.

how am i supposed to fill out this application to some place that isnt my HOME when i cant stop crying/it makes me depressed.

i dont think they realize what they've done, even the manly guys have admitted that they've cried over they really realize how many hearts they've broken?

i'm supposed to go turn this in my 1:30......i dont think i'll be able to get back there by then.......i barely held it together while there.........i dont want to leave my HOME i dont want to.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


there are no jrock fan clubs on Ravelry! D8 what....the.....hell!? there are thousands of anime fan clubs...or well at least a bunch of them....and video game clubs.....

i mean there isnt even a Gackt Club D8.....i thought for sure.....and not and X japan club either D8 th-......this makes me so sad! T^T but but but.......Jrockers are so cuuuuute.....and i cant be the only person that wants to knit for them....can i? D8 i i honestly the only one that wants to knit Toshi a NON UGLY sweater!? D8 really!? like for serious!?....i was even gonna knit him a scarf and have my friend take it to the X concert for him!....before the tour got all wonkified and now she has no idea when she'll get to go.

i think maybe i should rectify this....only running a club thinger seems annoying LOL.....though.....i think....yeah i gotta do this....because thats just......SAD! D8

i also cant be the only person who knits to jrock.....seriously people hide is GREAT to knit to! 8D

-EDIT- heeeeee i started one >D....this is hilarious....i just started a club about the two things that own my soul LOL

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


well i dont hurt as bad as i did so thats good...painkillers are my friend......that and laying down and heat pads lol

aaaaanyway taking a break from all my other knitting projects to just start and finish something hella easy because i need to. so i found a extra easy pattern for a kitty hat so i'm making one. i took a break to eat though. the care package from my mommy came in today so i have rice from a pouch! 8D and omg the best herbal tea i have ever had in my entire life O.O its Yogi brand tea and its called calming. it has hibiscus in it which i USUALLY dont like but in this its soooo good omg. hot damn thats so good it almost feels illegal XD

ohhh man i hope this kitty hat isnt too big when i finish it :/

ow.....owowowowowowowow!!!! :(

owwie owwie! full body cramps FUCK! owww.....why wont they go away thats so not cool!? i thought they were goooooone...they were gone yesterday! why are they back? ugh.......and i wanted to go to class today.....and i want pasta too and thats whats for lunch and i'll feel like an asshole if i can get myself up for food but not for class >_<

on a lighter note my knitting book came in yesterday! ^__^ The Knitting Goddess has some pretty cool stories in it and some very pretty patterns....only problem is that all the yarns she suggests are so expensive and i'm on COLLEGE STUDENT WITH NO JOB i has no monies T^T

like i WISH i could afford Noro have no idea how much i wish i could have Noro yarns....but like i monies....and then some of the yarns she suggests have been discontinued.......and i've been trying to find what weight they were......but so far i cant! D8 so i dont know what to buy for a substitute! oh noes!

goddamn i want some pasta and my mail....but owwie i dont want to move T^T

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Knitted seed stitch detail gauntlets

Knitted seed stitch detail gauntlets


-Size ten needles

-Safety pin (optional, but it helped me loads)

-Sewing needle/tapestry needle

-Thread that matches the yarn you are using ((you can use extra yarn too but I found that that makes them too big :/))

-Tapestry needle (to sew in the yarn ends)


This is for a small sized wrist and hand, my hands are about child sized so if you are making this for a bigger hand and wrist I suggest either making it on a larger size needle with larger size yarn or increasing the numbers of stitches and/or rows to make it either wider or longer, which ever size hand you or the recipiant of the gauntlets have. You could also make them smaller if needed.

Also the seams are sewn with thread and not yarn because the seams shouldn’t be bulky. But you CAN sew the finger hole seam with the yarn end of you want, that doesn’t cause any problems. :)

also it says DK yarn but worsted works too, if you want :3


Co 30 sts.

Row 1: K all stitches.

Row 2: St st 5 rows.

Row 3: Seed st ((or Moss st depending on where you’re from...same diff)) for five rows.

Row 4: St st for five rows.

Row 5: St st for nine rows on every K row ssk on the right and k2tog on the left.

Row 6: In St st keep decreasing like you have been doing but before or after depending on left or right side k2. This will make a nice edge on the part that covers your hand.

Repeat row six until you have seven sts left on your needles.

Row 7: CO 5 sts.

Row 8: St st 2 rows.

BO loosely


Sew the wrist part up to where you want it and then sew the finger hole together. DONE! :D

scarves: a musing on an obsession

i have so many scarves, i'm completely obsessed. interestingly enough they all have meaning to me and special stories. these are my scarves ((picked randomly from a pile)):

Hand dyed woven purple and brown scarf: the very first scarf i ever made. i took a weaving class at the Local Yarn Store when i was in elementary school. we hand dyed our own, previously white, chenille yarn. Everyone else was choosing colors such as rainbow or mixes of nice bright colors. i asked if i could have brown and purple. the teachers looked at me funny but mixed the dyes especially for me. then i choose a dark chocolate brown to weave it with. once all the scarves were done everyone agreed that mine was the most professional looking. one of my first hand made projects that i was honestly proud of.

purple and brown woven scarf

Lumpy snakey ocean colors skinny scarf: my mom gave me this for my birthday one year, its weird and doesnt keep me warm very well but it makes me giggle, so thats always fun.

lumpy blue scarf

Fuzzy antiqued white and brown scarf: *puts scarf on before writing about it* i LOVE this scarf. its fuzzy and comfortable and warm. its somewhat like a teddybear in scarf form, might be why i love it so much. its also the scarf i wear when dressing in my steampunk outfit...which at the moment is half assed but whatever. it looks like something an airship captain would wear to keep warm. *snuggles into scarf* i could seriously sleep in this thing X3

best. scarf. ever.

Orange, cream, and gold scarf from india: i got this at a store in Austin called Marigold. the store has imports from india and is run by some really cool indian women. i've been looking for a nice orange light weight scarf for ages, so when my mommy and i saw this scarf it was an instant "have to buy now" moment. the great thing about this is that its HUGE so that it actually works for coldish weather too because i can wrap it around my neck about three times ^__^

orange and gold scarf

Knitted blue and white striped scarf: this scarf kinda looks like ass lol. but its the first striped scarf i ever made. the reason it looks crappy is cause i knitted it on size 13 needles with yarn that should be knitted on size 8 needles lol. it also doesnt go with alot of my clothes. but because its one of my first knitting projects and because i used to wear it all the time this scarf has a special place in my heart. also its long as hell, wraps around my neck about 4 times and still has the ends hanging on both sides XD

blue and white stripy scarf

Gorgeous black and red themed pashmina: another buy from Marigold. this scarf is covered in paislies ((sp?)) and pretty indian designs. i really love this one because most people i know around here that have pashminas have either solid color ones or just stripy ones. it makes me feel special wearing this, also because of its colors it goes with most of my outfits, red and black are its main colors but its also full or random blues and oranges and greens, so its pretty versitile. it makes me feel like a gypsy princess ^__^

my pashmina

Rainbow hand woven scarf from target: sometimes i'm ashamed of this scarf. one of the causes i work for is fair trade aka quality of life and decent pay for workers in third world countries. this scarf looks like one of the ones that the fair trade store that i sometimes volunteer at sells....i bought it for 9 dollars at target and i'm pretty sure the person who made it only got 50 cents, if even that. when people ask me where i got it i usually say "i cant remember" or "it was a present" its Xileration brand and i ripped the tag off to hide my shame. but the thing is i'm a bargain hunter and the scarves at the store i volunteer at are way too expensive for me, nine dollars i can afford. and i'll admit it...i really dont feel THAT bad about it...and i love this scarf, the colors are beautiful.

rainbow scarf

The giant red scarf of love: my aunt Mary made this for me and i LOVE it. its huge and warm and soft and pretty and was knitted with love just for me. its better than a security blanket, its a security scarf. when i feel like crap i put it on and snuggle up in it and hide from the world. i love my aunt Mary, she's one of the few people in the world that TRUELY understand me and who i feel like i can tell almost anything to. she made me this before i went off to college to Santa Fe NM where its cold and gets snow so that i would be warm in winter. i'll admit, this is my armor when i need it, to protect me from the scary wide world, although i am getting better about being less afraid ^__^. its got these little lumps of rainbow-y color in it that i like to think of as lumps of love. i've worn this scarf so many billions of times that it has a tear in it that i need to fix.

armor of love

Forest fairy sparkle moss scarf: another scarf knitted by me. a few years ago i was at my LYS and was digging through the sale bins ((i fucking love the sale bins!!!)) and found this nice expensive italian yarn for 7 dollars a skein, there was only two in there of this color so i snatched them up before anyone else could get this yarn. it looks like moss with lychin and golden bits of magic woven in. this was a blast to knit and its even more fun to wear, its surprisingly very soft and warm despite being skinny and pretty loosely knitted. it makes me feel like a fairy princess!

forest fairy sparkle scarf

Princess Fireball scarf: the newest addition to my gigantic collection of scarves. again this one was a present knitted especially for me. this time by my brother's girlfriend/my friend Helen. its very quickly becoming one of my very favorite scarves. its fuzzy and red and warm and fun! its got little bits of pink and lavender and yellow that make the fuzzies and because of those it goes AWESOMELY with my hair! mmmm this scarf is so squishy and soft....and red...huh....i see a pattern in the scarves knitted specifically for me O.o...good thing i love red huh? XD

Princess Fireball scarf

Black fuzzy scarf: the companion scarf to the above mentioned antiqued white and brown scarf. bought at the same time from the same place, its knitted in the exact same style just in a different color. this is one of my "goth scarfs" as i like to call them ((i have two)) also its warm as hell and very soft. surprisingly enough i dont love it as much as its sister scarf :/

fuzzy black scarf

Black speckled bestfriend tassle scarf: my bestest friend in the entire universe gave me this yarn. at first i wanted to knit her something with it but she said she wasnt that fond of the colors, she thought it was a nice yarn but it didnt go with anything she had, thats why she was giving it to me, since i wear more black than she does. so i decided to make a bestfriend scarf for myself. this was the first time i ever made tassles and they look nice....but they keep falling off XD i need to figure out a better way to secure them. i dont wear this scarf that often because i'm afraid of losing one of the tassles and never getting it back. i really should fix that because this scarf is fun and i love it :/

bestfriend scarf

Black velvet cut out gothilicious scarf: i got this years ago at my favorite book store in the whole world. they have this area with some jewelry and also a basket of scarves. since i'm obsessed, i always dig through the basket. unfortunately most of the velvet scarves look a bit old lady-ish ((when i'm an old lady i will have them allll!!! >:3)) but then one day i saw THIS and fell instantly in love with it. all black with rose cut outs growing all over it. i didnt have money for it for months, but every time i went in i would put it on and wish it was mine. then i got some money and begged my mom to take me to Book People, a common thing heard from me when i've got money. it had been a while and, like every time, i was worried that someone else had bought it ((even though i hid it at the bottom of the basket every time)) luckily it was still there! i happliy snuggled it to myself as i skipped up the stairs to look at the incense and pagan section of the store. when i'm feeling all goth-y i put on this scarf and hide my giddy little grin, i fucking love this scarf!!!

gothilicious scarf

this is all the scarves that i have in my dorm, there are a few more i've left at home *cough*mymomstole*cough* so when i get back there during spring break, expect some edits on this entry :3

((crossposted on my myspace, facebook, and VF, sorry lol))

Thursday, February 12, 2009

D8 neglect!

oh crap i need to post some!! coming sooooooo~oooon!