Sunday, December 13, 2009

finals D:

taking a break cause my head hurts....also i dont know why i'm yawning and feel tired...i've had like two caffinated sodas and a tea and lots of sugar but i cant stop yawning and my pillows feel soooo good!

maybe its cause my mom woke me up at 7 IN THE MORNING!....but i went back to sleep for an hour after that....and i went to bed at midnight....i should be weird!

anyway break time!. so uh yeah i'm just gonna copy and paste what i said about going home for good from my Y!gal journal cause i'm feeling tired and lazy and my brain doesnt want to function XD

(ahahahaha i just got totally distracted on Y! by the pretty pictures and the comments and the friends journal entries(SHOES!) and was like "what am i here for again?....oh yeah!" lol)

moving out...failing...finals....going back home for good....whew do i have alot of crap going on right now.

well after one semester of UNM i'm leaving here and going back home and taking a semester off (maybe taking a class at community college) i'm failing.....two classes as far as i know.....pretty damn sure i'm passing the rest....its a long story about why and how i'm failing them and i dont feel like going into it...just that its my fault and i'm kinda pretty much a fuck up and hate myself at the moment (but slowly starting to hate myself less, so thats good)....seriously if i wasnt me i would punch me in the face. *sigh* oh well not like there's anything i can do about it now.

aaaaanyway so going home....i'm actually super seriously excited about that. while i've liked being away from home and its made me learn how to be more reliant on myself i think its time that i went back. and i'm still young and stuff (21 in 8 days!) so i can bounce back from this. and i will. i just dont know what or who i want to be anymore so....home will help. and then i'll probably end up going to Texas State after i figure my shit out. at least thats the plan at the moment. this whole shitty experience (CSF going down the drain, fucking up this semester at UMN, etc.) has made me realize that my parents will in fact do anything for me even when i royally screw myself over, which is good to know and has made me love and appreciate them even more then i already did.

finals....ugh....and while i adore Astronomy and have loved that class like no other class here at UNM.....the goddamn final is at 7:30 IN THE MORNING! D: GEEZE! i'mma have to wake up at like......5 in the morning or something!

this has been an......interesting.....semester. (gods its felt like an entire year! >_<)