Tuesday, March 31, 2009

scarves: a musing on an obsession

i have so many scarves, i'm completely obsessed. interestingly enough they all have meaning to me and special stories. these are my scarves ((picked randomly from a pile)):

Hand dyed woven purple and brown scarf: the very first scarf i ever made. i took a weaving class at the Local Yarn Store when i was in elementary school. we hand dyed our own, previously white, chenille yarn. Everyone else was choosing colors such as rainbow or mixes of nice bright colors. i asked if i could have brown and purple. the teachers looked at me funny but mixed the dyes especially for me. then i choose a dark chocolate brown to weave it with. once all the scarves were done everyone agreed that mine was the most professional looking. one of my first hand made projects that i was honestly proud of.

purple and brown woven scarf

Lumpy snakey ocean colors skinny scarf: my mom gave me this for my birthday one year, its weird and doesnt keep me warm very well but it makes me giggle, so thats always fun.

lumpy blue scarf

Fuzzy antiqued white and brown scarf: *puts scarf on before writing about it* i LOVE this scarf. its fuzzy and comfortable and warm. its somewhat like a teddybear in scarf form, might be why i love it so much. its also the scarf i wear when dressing in my steampunk outfit...which at the moment is half assed but whatever. it looks like something an airship captain would wear to keep warm. *snuggles into scarf* i could seriously sleep in this thing X3

best. scarf. ever.

Orange, cream, and gold scarf from india: i got this at a store in Austin called Marigold. the store has imports from india and is run by some really cool indian women. i've been looking for a nice orange light weight scarf for ages, so when my mommy and i saw this scarf it was an instant "have to buy now" moment. the great thing about this is that its HUGE so that it actually works for coldish weather too because i can wrap it around my neck about three times ^__^

orange and gold scarf

Knitted blue and white striped scarf: this scarf kinda looks like ass lol. but its the first striped scarf i ever made. the reason it looks crappy is cause i knitted it on size 13 needles with yarn that should be knitted on size 8 needles lol. it also doesnt go with alot of my clothes. but because its one of my first knitting projects and because i used to wear it all the time this scarf has a special place in my heart. also its long as hell, wraps around my neck about 4 times and still has the ends hanging on both sides XD

blue and white stripy scarf

Gorgeous black and red themed pashmina: another buy from Marigold. this scarf is covered in paislies ((sp?)) and pretty indian designs. i really love this one because most people i know around here that have pashminas have either solid color ones or just stripy ones. it makes me feel special wearing this, also because of its colors it goes with most of my outfits, red and black are its main colors but its also full or random blues and oranges and greens, so its pretty versitile. it makes me feel like a gypsy princess ^__^

my pashmina

Rainbow hand woven scarf from target: sometimes i'm ashamed of this scarf. one of the causes i work for is fair trade aka quality of life and decent pay for workers in third world countries. this scarf looks like one of the ones that the fair trade store that i sometimes volunteer at sells....i bought it for 9 dollars at target and i'm pretty sure the person who made it only got 50 cents, if even that. when people ask me where i got it i usually say "i cant remember" or "it was a present" its Xileration brand and i ripped the tag off to hide my shame. but the thing is i'm a bargain hunter and the scarves at the store i volunteer at are way too expensive for me, nine dollars i can afford. and i'll admit it...i really dont feel THAT bad about it...and i love this scarf, the colors are beautiful.

rainbow scarf

The giant red scarf of love: my aunt Mary made this for me and i LOVE it. its huge and warm and soft and pretty and was knitted with love just for me. its better than a security blanket, its a security scarf. when i feel like crap i put it on and snuggle up in it and hide from the world. i love my aunt Mary, she's one of the few people in the world that TRUELY understand me and who i feel like i can tell almost anything to. she made me this before i went off to college to Santa Fe NM where its cold and gets snow so that i would be warm in winter. i'll admit, this is my armor when i need it, to protect me from the scary wide world, although i am getting better about being less afraid ^__^. its got these little lumps of rainbow-y color in it that i like to think of as lumps of love. i've worn this scarf so many billions of times that it has a tear in it that i need to fix.

armor of love

Forest fairy sparkle moss scarf: another scarf knitted by me. a few years ago i was at my LYS and was digging through the sale bins ((i fucking love the sale bins!!!)) and found this nice expensive italian yarn for 7 dollars a skein, there was only two in there of this color so i snatched them up before anyone else could get this yarn. it looks like moss with lychin and golden bits of magic woven in. this was a blast to knit and its even more fun to wear, its surprisingly very soft and warm despite being skinny and pretty loosely knitted. it makes me feel like a fairy princess!

forest fairy sparkle scarf

Princess Fireball scarf: the newest addition to my gigantic collection of scarves. again this one was a present knitted especially for me. this time by my brother's girlfriend/my friend Helen. its very quickly becoming one of my very favorite scarves. its fuzzy and red and warm and fun! its got little bits of pink and lavender and yellow that make the fuzzies and because of those it goes AWESOMELY with my hair! mmmm this scarf is so squishy and soft....and red...huh....i see a pattern in the scarves knitted specifically for me O.o...good thing i love red huh? XD

Princess Fireball scarf

Black fuzzy scarf: the companion scarf to the above mentioned antiqued white and brown scarf. bought at the same time from the same place, its knitted in the exact same style just in a different color. this is one of my "goth scarfs" as i like to call them ((i have two)) also its warm as hell and very soft. surprisingly enough i dont love it as much as its sister scarf :/

fuzzy black scarf

Black speckled bestfriend tassle scarf: my bestest friend in the entire universe gave me this yarn. at first i wanted to knit her something with it but she said she wasnt that fond of the colors, she thought it was a nice yarn but it didnt go with anything she had, thats why she was giving it to me, since i wear more black than she does. so i decided to make a bestfriend scarf for myself. this was the first time i ever made tassles and they look nice....but they keep falling off XD i need to figure out a better way to secure them. i dont wear this scarf that often because i'm afraid of losing one of the tassles and never getting it back. i really should fix that because this scarf is fun and i love it :/

bestfriend scarf

Black velvet cut out gothilicious scarf: i got this years ago at my favorite book store in the whole world. they have this area with some jewelry and also a basket of scarves. since i'm obsessed, i always dig through the basket. unfortunately most of the velvet scarves look a bit old lady-ish ((when i'm an old lady i will have them allll!!! >:3)) but then one day i saw THIS and fell instantly in love with it. all black with rose cut outs growing all over it. i didnt have money for it for months, but every time i went in i would put it on and wish it was mine. then i got some money and begged my mom to take me to Book People, a common thing heard from me when i've got money. it had been a while and, like every time, i was worried that someone else had bought it ((even though i hid it at the bottom of the basket every time)) luckily it was still there! i happliy snuggled it to myself as i skipped up the stairs to look at the incense and pagan section of the store. when i'm feeling all goth-y i put on this scarf and hide my giddy little grin, i fucking love this scarf!!!

gothilicious scarf

this is all the scarves that i have in my dorm, there are a few more i've left at home *cough*mymomstole*cough* so when i get back there during spring break, expect some edits on this entry :3

((crossposted on my myspace, facebook, and VF, sorry lol))

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