Friday, May 1, 2009

omg this is silly

mk this site makes everything better lol. i found a website with a fic drabble romance madlib. here's the best one so far! XD

The Battle For The Bacon

In a bus, Tano sucked his bacon. He had been busy with the bacon for hours and now wanted nothing more than a cute cuddle or a large massage from his lover Hitra.

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his sparkly Hitra appeared at the door, grinning quickly.

"Put down the bacon," Hitra said loudly. "Unless you want me to suck that bacon on your toe."

Tano put down the bacon. He was pink. He had never seen Hitra so shiny before and it made him sexy.

Hitra picked up the bacon, then withdrew a glitter from his tummy. "Don't be so pink," Hitra said with a shiny grimace. "A werewolf bit my penis this morning, and everything became gay. Now with this bacon and this glitter I can loudly rule the world!"

Tano clutched his fun penis crankily. This was his lover, his sparkly Hitra, now staring at him with a shiny tummy.

"Fight it!" Tano shouted. "The werewolf just wants the bacon for his own sparkly devices! He doesn't love you, not the cute way I do!"

Tano could see Hitra trembling crankily. Tano reached out his toe and touched Hitra's tummy loudly. He was sparkly, so sparkly, but he knew only his fun love for Hitra would break the werewolf's spell.

Sure enough, Hitra dropped the bacon with a thunk. "Oh, Tano," he squealed. "I'm so cute, can you ever forgive me?"

But Tano had already moved in a bus. Like a guitar on fire, he pressed his toe into Hitra's tummy. And as they fell together in a gay fit of love, the bacon lay on the floor, sexy and forgotten.

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