Sunday, April 5, 2009

people who knit their first project ever on nice yarn....


lol i mean seriously you're supposed to start out on shitty heart saver yarn and either knit the ugliest thing in the world ever on it or frog it about 15 billion times before it finally doesnt look like a yarn monster threw up your project. i mean come on. who the fuck STARTS with Noro!?

your first scarf is NOT supposed to be pretty its supposed to be HIDEOUS but yet you still love it and are massively proud of it, even in its ugly yarn monster barf-dom.

now maybe its older people with real jobs that start out with pretty things like Noro but i still find that to be wrong, i mean come on, the ugly scarf is like a right of knitting passage so someday when you're sitting around at the old folks home, knitting some crazy ass complicated afghan or something you can talk with the olther old ladies (and men too!) about your ugly ass first knitting projects and laugh your asses off. but if you're the ONE that started with Noro and had a scarf that actually looked good you're totally gonna feel left out. save buying nice yarn for when you've made a few things first, get some shitty yarn that you can fuck up on, thats how you fucking up! (seriously! i discovered seed stitch this way when i was trying to do 1x1 rib for the first time and totally messed it up XD...but i LOVE seed stitch now)

-end rant-

lol its just that that annoys me when people just starting out buy nice yarn and i've been knitting for almost five years now and have never had anything as nice as Noro to call my own.....and i guess i'm just silly and feel like i deserve it and they dont? lol thats dumb but how i feel XD

oh well....on a lighter note i finished the knitting portion of Rowan's comission i gotta sew in the yarn ends and add fringe but the scarf is pissing me off at the moment lol so yeah taking a break and knitting the other of my seed stitch mitts :3 yay for seed stitch! :D i <3 seed stitch

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