Sunday, October 18, 2009

i hate my roomie and wish she would die.

some people sleep at NORMAL myself. i'm in bed at the very latest 1:30 SOMETIMES 2:00 in the know its the weekend....but if you have a roommate who has TOLD you that by midnight they would like to be going to dont invite all of your friends over, turn up your music and play some stupid game, loudly, in the living room (that you didnt invite me to play in the first place until i came out of my room to get some water, bitch)

and ok sure when i was like "um yeah no i wouldnt i'm kinda going to bed" she turned off her BLASTINGLY LOUD MUSIC, but her friends are still loud and stupid and laugh really loud (she laughs the loudest, stupid ditz)..............I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! CANT YOU GO TO A FRIEND'S ROOM WHERE THERE ARE NO SLEEPY ROOMMATES!?...............of course there probably are sleepy roommates at all of the other rooms, just that i happen to be the most weenie of all and wont confront people about it. if i see her tomorrow i might suck it up and talk to her about it though. ugh. i kinda LIKE sleep.....OH! OR I SHOULD BE REALLY FUCKING LOUD IN THE MORNING! SEE HOW SHE FUCKING LIKES IT!? *sigh* i cant wait to go home. oh gods bitch i hate you so much why wont you just cease to exist!?

1 comment:

sakuraboo said...

if u cant confront her.. show her your blog
u seem to be bitching more about it than she is.. and youre losing out.. dont let her get to u..
do something about it or dont, if you dont: live your life like the bitch u think you are one upping by doing everything that youre not.