Thursday, October 8, 2009

if you dont plan on paying attention or writing notes, why did you even come to class.

so as i'm sure you all know by now. i fucking love astronomy. pretty much the most interesting class i have ever taken. that being said. i like to pay attention and take notes (and doodle star trek chibis in the sides of my notes <_<..>_>). well today i got to class a little later than usual. (I HAD TO PEE SO BAD!) so i didnt get my usual perfect seat in the second row...someone else took it T^T

so i was sitting in a less than perfect seat in the third row and behind me.....omfg behind me. they. wouldnt. shut. the. fuck. up. i even asked them once. then gave them "THE EYE" two more times....they were....pretty obviously a couple, which is fine, got nothing against that. but they were listening to a shared ipod, doodling, giggling, and flirting for the entire class. if you're not going to take notes, or even listen. 1) how are you going to pass? 2) why are you even in this class?

ok yes i understand that a science lecture and lab are required to graduate and yes i know Astronomy is supposed to be an easy class and yes it is. but really.....some people actually ENJOY learning about planets and moons and other awesome space stuff. so kindly stfu or dont come to class. they even left five minutes early! suuuuch disrespect! omg.

i mean.....i LOVE that class. its my favorite. planets and weird things that cant be explained yet and stars and physics and how the universe works? thats just freaking cool! if i didnt feel like i should be doing some kind of history/science crack baby (oh hello anthroplolgy! :D) i'd probably want to be an astronomer.....and i know there are astronomy majors in the class, has to be. people like them and me are being distracted by these silly freshman who think that its ok to talk while a professor is talking. people need to take notes you know. SOME people find this fascinating...if you dont....go somewhere else because you arent wanted. (they didnt even laugh at the professor's jokes. the guy is funny! i dont know how you cant laugh!)

aaanyway....end of rant.

my shoulder is stiff as hellll D:

but its nice and cool out, i have warm coffee, a banana, a breakfast burrito and chips if i'm still hungry which i prolly wont be so they can be for later :)

oh also! some awesome new things i learned!

Astronomy fact of the day: Saturn has a really really really huge ring that we havent even mapped all just released yesterday. :D so. freaking. cool.

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